Source code for harvesttext.algorithms.word_discoverer


import re
import time
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def genSubstr(string, n): """ Generate all substrings of max length n for string """ length = len(string) res = [string[i: j] for i in range(0, length) for j in range(i + 1, min(i + n + 1, length + 1))] return res
[docs]def genSubparts(string): """ Partition a string into all possible two parts, e.g. given "abcd", generate [("a", "bcd"), ("ab", "cd"), ("abc", "d")] For string of length 1, return empty list """ length = len(string) res = [(string[0:i], string[i:]) for i in range(1, length)] return res
[docs]def entropyOfList(cnt_dict): length = sum(v for v in cnt_dict.values()) return sum(-v/length*math.log(v/length) for v in cnt_dict.values())
[docs]def indexOfSortedSuffix(doc, max_word_len): """ Treat a suffix as an index where the suffix begins. Then sort these indexes by the suffixes. """ indexes = [] length = len(doc) indexes = ((i,j) for i in range(0, length) for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 1 + max_word_len, length + 1))) return sorted(indexes, key=lambda i_j: doc[i_j[0]:i_j[1]])
[docs]class WordInfo(object): """ Store information of each word, including its freqency, left neighbors and right neighbors """ def __init__(self, text): super(WordInfo, self).__init__() self.text = text self.freq = 0.0 self.left = defaultdict(int) self.right = defaultdict(int) self.aggregation = 0
[docs] def update(self, left, right): """ Increase frequency of this word, then append left/right neighbors @param left a single character on the left side of this word @param right as left is, but on the right side """ self.freq += 1 if left: self.left[left] += 1 if right: self.right[right] += 1
[docs] def compute(self, length): """ Compute frequency and entropy of this word @param length length of the document for training to get words """ self.freq /= length self.left = entropyOfList(self.left) self.right = entropyOfList(self.right)
[docs] def computeAggregation(self, words_dict): """ Compute aggregation of this word @param words_dict frequency dict of all candidate words """ parts = genSubparts(self.text) if len(parts) > 0: self.aggregation = min(self.freq/words_dict[p1_p2[0]].freq/words_dict[p1_p2[1]].freq for p1_p2 in parts)
[docs]class WordDiscoverer(object): def __init__(self, doc, max_word_len=5, min_freq=0.00005, min_entropy=2.0, min_aggregation=50, ent_threshold="both", mem_saving=False): super(WordDiscoverer, self).__init__() self.max_word_len = max_word_len self.min_freq = min_freq self.min_entropy = min_entropy self.min_aggregation = min_aggregation if mem_saving: self.word_infos = self.genWords(doc) # Filter out the results satisfy all the requirements if ent_threshold == "both": filter_func = lambda v: len(v.text) > 1 and v.aggregation > self.min_aggregation and\ v.freq > self.min_freq and v.left > self.min_entropy and v.right > self.min_entropy else: filter_func = lambda v: len(v.text) > 1 and v.aggregation > self.min_aggregation and\ v.freq > self.min_freq and (v.left+v.right)/2.0 > self.min_entropy else: # 对于太长的语料,因为每个候选词都保存了列表形式的left和right,导致内存容易爆炸,考虑优化算法。 # 先根据简单的规则筛选词语(freq,agg)再重新扫描统计left,right # 因为需要两次扫描语料,所以速度会稍微慢一点 self.word_infos = self.genWords2(doc) if ent_threshold == "both": filter_func = lambda v: v.left > self.min_entropy and v.right > self.min_entropy else: filter_func = lambda v: (v.left+v.right)/2.0 > self.min_entropy self.word_infos = list(filter(filter_func, self.word_infos)) self.word_with_freq = [(w.text, w.freq) for w in self.word_infos] self.words = [w[0] for w in self.word_with_freq] # Result infomations, i.e., average data of all words word_count = float(len(self.word_with_freq)) if word_count > 0: self.avg_len = sum([len(w.text) for w in self.word_infos])/word_count self.avg_freq = sum([w.freq for w in self.word_infos])/word_count self.avg_left_entropy = sum([w.left for w in self.word_infos])/word_count self.avg_right_entropy = sum([w.right for w in self.word_infos])/word_count self.avg_aggregation = sum([w.aggregation for w in self.word_infos])/word_count else: self.avg_len = 0 self.avg_freq = 0 self.avg_left_entropy = 0 self.avg_right_entropy = 0 self.avg_aggregation = 0
[docs] def genWords(self, doc): """ Generate all candidate words with their frequency/entropy/aggregation informations @param doc the document used for words generation """ #pattern = re.compile('[\\s\\d,.<>/?:;\'\"[\\]{}()\\|~!@#$%^&*\\-_=+a-zA-Z,。《》、?:;“”‘’{}【】()…¥!—┄-]+') # numbers preserved pattern = re.compile('[\\s,.<>/?:;\'\"[\\]{}()\\|~!@#$%^&*\\-_=+a-zA-Z,。《》、?:;“”‘’{}【】()…¥!—┄-]+') doc = re.sub(pattern, ' ', doc) suffix_indexes = indexOfSortedSuffix(doc, self.max_word_len) word_cands = {} # compute frequency and neighbors for suf in suffix_indexes: word = doc[suf[0]:suf[1]] if " " in word : continue if word not in word_cands: word_cands[word] = WordInfo(word) word_cands[word].update(doc[suf[0] - 1:suf[0]], doc[suf[1]:suf[1] + 1]) # compute probability and entropy length = len(doc) self.length = length for k in word_cands: word_cands[k].compute(length) # compute aggregation of words whose length > 1 values = sorted(list(word_cands.values()), key=lambda x: len(x.text)) for v in values: if len(v.text) == 1: continue v.computeAggregation(word_cands) return values
[docs] def genWords2(self, doc): """ Generate all candidate words with their frequency/entropy/aggregation informations @param doc the document used for words generation """ #pattern = re.compile('[\\s\\d,.<>/?:;\'\"[\\]{}()\\|~!@#$%^&*\\-_=+a-zA-Z,。《》、?:;“”‘’{}【】()…¥!—┄-]+') # numbers preserved pattern = re.compile('[\\s,.<>/?:;\'\"[\\]{}()\\|~!@#$%^&*\\-_=+a-zA-Z,。《》、?:;“”‘’{}【】()…¥!—┄-]+') doc = re.sub(pattern, ' ', doc) suffix_indexes = indexOfSortedSuffix(doc, self.max_word_len) word_cands = {} # compute frequency and neighbors for suf in suffix_indexes: word = doc[suf[0]:suf[1]] if " " in word : continue if word not in word_cands: word_cands[word] = WordInfo(word) word_cands[word].freq += 1 self.length = len(doc) for k in word_cands: word_cands[k].freq /= self.length values = word_cands.values() for v in values: if len(v.text) == 1: continue v.computeAggregation(word_cands) filter_func = lambda v: len(v.text) > 1 and v.aggregation > self.min_aggregation and\ v.freq > self.min_freq values = list(filter(filter_func, values)) word_cands = {w:word_cands[w] for w in word_cands if word_cands[w] in values} for suf in suffix_indexes: word = doc[suf[0]:suf[1]] if word in word_cands: left, right = doc[suf[0] - 1:suf[0]], doc[suf[1]:suf[1] + 1] if left: word_cands[word].left[left] += 1 if right: word_cands[word].right[right] += 1 values = word_cands.values() for v in values: v.left = entropyOfList(v.left) v.right = entropyOfList(v.right) return values
[docs] def get_df_info(self, ex_mentions, exclude_number=True): info = {"text":[],"freq":[],"left_ent":[],"right_ent":[],"agg":[]} for w in self.word_infos: if w.text in ex_mentions: continue if exclude_number and w.text.isdigit(): continue info["text"].append(w.text) info["freq"].append(w.freq) info["left_ent"].append(w.left) info["right_ent"].append(w.right) info["agg"].append(w.aggregation) info = pd.DataFrame(info) info = info.set_index("text") # 词语质量评分 info["score"] = np.log10(info["agg"])*info["freq"]*(info["left_ent"]+info["right_ent"]) return info
if __name__ == '__main__': doc = '十四是十四四十是四十,,十四不是四十,,,,四十不是十四' doc = "恒大门前种两棵树都不至于这个比分" ws = WordDiscoverer(doc, max_word_len=2, min_aggregation=1.2, min_entropy=0.4) N = ws.length print("new words with freqency:") print(' '.join(['%s:%f'% (w,f) for (w,f) in ws.word_with_freq])) print("new words info:") print('\n'.join(['[%s] times:%d, left:%f, right:%f, aggregation:%f'%(w.text,w.freq*N,w.left,w.right,w.aggregation) for w in ws.word_infos])) print('average len: ', ws.avg_len) print('average frequency: ', ws.avg_freq) print('average left entropy: ', ws.avg_left_entropy) print('average right entropy: ', ws.avg_right_entropy) print('average aggregation: ', ws.avg_aggregation)