Source code for harvesttext.resources

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Resources

# 褒贬义词典   清华大学 李军
# 此资源被用于以下论文中:
# Jun Li and Maosong Sun, Experimental Study on Sentiment Classification of Chinese Review using Machine Learning Techniques, in Proceding of IEEE NLPKE 2007
# 李军 中文评论的褒贬义分类实验研究 硕士论文 清华大学 2008
import os
import json
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]def get_qh_sent_dict(): """ 获得参考褒贬义词典: 褒贬义词典 清华大学 李军 此资源被用于以下论文中: Jun Li and Maosong Sun, Experimental Study on Sentiment Classification of Chinese Review using Machine Learning Techniques, in Proceding of IEEE NLPKE 2007 李军 中文评论的褒贬义分类实验研究 硕士论文 清华大学 2008 :return: qh_sent_dict = {"pos":[words],"neg":[words]} """ pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd+"/resources/qh_sent_dict.json","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: qh_sent_dict = json.load(f) return qh_sent_dict
[docs]def get_baidu_stopwords(): """ 获得百度停用词列表 来源,网上流传的版本: 包含了中英文常见词及部分标点符号 :return: stopwords: set of string """ pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd + "/resources/bd_stopwords.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: stopwords = json.load(f) return set(stopwords)
[docs]def get_nltk_en_stopwords(): """ 来自nltk的英语停用词 :return: stopwords: set of string """ import nltk try:'corpora/stopwords') except:'stopwords') from nltk.corpus import stopwords return set(stopwords.words('english'))
[docs]def get_qh_typed_words(used_types = ['IT', '动物', '医药', '历史人名', '地名', '成语', '法律', '财经', '食物']): """ THUOCL:清华大学开放中文词库 IT 财经 成语 地名 历史名人 诗词 医学 饮食 法律 汽车 动物 :param used_types: :return: typed_words: 字典,键为类型,值为该类的词语组成的set """ pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd + "/resources/THUOCL.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: typed_words0 = json.load(f) typed_words = dict() for type0 in typed_words0: if type0 in used_types: typed_words[type0] = set(typed_words0[type0]) return typed_words
[docs]def get_sanguo(): """ 获得三国演义原文 :return: ["章节1文本","章节2文本",...] """ pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd+"/resources/sanguo_docs.json","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: docs = json.load(f) return docs
[docs]def get_sanguo_entity_dict(): """ 获得三国演义中的人名、地名、势力名的知识库。 自行搭建的简单版,一定有遗漏和错误,仅供参考使用 :return: entity_mention_dict,entity_type_dict """ import json pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd+"/resources/sanguo_entity_dict.json","r",encoding="utf-8") as f: entity_dict = json.load(f) return entity_dict["mention"], entity_dict["type"]
[docs]def get_english_senti_lexicon(type="LH"): """ 获得英语情感词汇表 目前默认为来自这里的词汇表 If you use this list, please cite the following paper: Minqing Hu and Bing Liu. "Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews." Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2004), Aug 22-25, 2004, Seattle, Washington, USA, :return: sent_dict = {"pos":[words],"neg":[words]} """ pwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) with open(pwd + "/resources/LH_senti_lexicon.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: senti_lexicon = json.load(f) return senti_lexicon
[docs]def get_jieba_dict(min_freq=0, max_freq=float('inf'), with_pos=False, use_proxy=False, proxies=None): """ 获得jieba自带的中文词语词频词典 :params min_freq: 选取词语需要的最小词频 :params max_freq: 选取词语允许的最大词频 :params with_pos: 返回结果是否包括词性信息 :return if not with_pos, dict of {wd: freq}, else, dict of {(wd, pos): freq} """ from .download_utils import RemoteFileMetadata, check_download_resource remote = RemoteFileMetadata( filename='jieba_dict.txt', url='', checksum='7197c3211ddd98962b036cdf40324d1ea2bfaa12bd028e68faa70111a88e12a8') file_path = check_download_resource(remote, use_proxy, proxies) ret = defaultdict(int) with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: if len(line.strip().split()) == 3: wd, freq, pos = line.strip().split() freq = int(freq) if freq > min_freq and freq < max_freq: if not with_pos: ret[wd] = freq else: ret[(wd, pos)] = freq return ret